Christmas 2004

Mum fighting with the inextinguishable candles on her birthday cake Opening presents Nicola playing with a new toy Sam phoning home (note the frozen swimming pool behind) Fashion shoot in the woods The view from the house on the morning of Boxing Day Sam's first 'real' snowman A family of snowpeople Jono on the Lernzircus (with instruction from Charlene) Dusk on Boxing Day Enjoying the fire Jono's professional snowman Sam about to try tobogganing for the first time Wipeout! Lunch with plenty of cheese The view from the top of Mont Bre Lunch break in the woods walking down from Bre Looking north from Gandria Lunch at the renowned Gabbani delicatessen A grocer in Lugano's old-town Sunset from the house Starting the walk up San Salvatore Looking down on the lake from San Salvatore The lake at Morcote Towers at Bellinzona Looking out from the castle in Bellinzona Lake Como from Bellagio